Thursday, March 4, 2010

Don Quijote Part IV

In Chapter 29 we meet Dorotea. The interesting thing about her is that she is once again this “radical woman.” She is said to be intelligent and shows it by playing her “princess role.” Again we see this portrayal of women that are radical. Throughout this book there have been portrayals of women that are incredibly radical for the time period. We have peasant girls portrayed as beautiful, prostitutes as princesses, women who can chose who they love and women who can trick men. In some ways this entire scene is saying something about the radical changes women are going through ( or maybe the ones Don Quijote wants them to go through)

Again with the quotes from Sparknotes (I swear they can be so helpful sometimes)
“2. I shall never be fool enough to turn knight-errant. For I see quite well that it’s not the fashion now to do as they did in the olden days when they say those famous knights roamed the world.
Explanation for Quotation 2 >>
In this passage from Chapter XXXII of the First Part, the innkeeper responds to the priest, who has been trying to convince him that books of chivalry are not true. Though the innkeeper defends the books, he says that he will never try to live like Don Quixote because he realizes that knight-errantry is outdated. The innkeeper’s remark is important for several reasons. First, it inspires Sancho, who overhears the remark, to resolve—as he does at so many points throughout the novel—to return to his wife and children because knight-errantry has fallen out of fashion. The fact that Sancho does not leave Don Quixote becomes even more poignant when juxtaposed with his temptations to leave.
Second, this quotation highlights the priest’s hypocritical nature. The innkeeper appreciates knight-errantry from a distance, but the priest, who plays the role of inquisitor against Don Quixote throughout much of the novel, cannot escape his fascination with knight-errantry. The priest furtively encourages Don Quixote’s madness so that he may live vicariously through him.”
Here we can see several themes from the novel. This idea of chivalry coming from novels like Don Quijote thinks (because we all know he thinks whatever he reads in these books is true) and this idea that this mission Don Quijote is on is outdated. Here we can kind of see how and why others view Don Quijote as crazy. He has not only created his own version of reality, but has based it on what others feel as an outdated concept. It also says something about Sancho since he thinks about leaving but decides against it. It is almost as though we can really see Sancho starting to buy into Don Quijote's warped vision on the world.

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