Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Inferno V

Canto 28 Lines 37-42.
While these lines may not address the entire work in a “conventional manner” they do address the idea that the end is near. In a sense while Dante's ultimate goal in this entire Comedy is to get to Heaven, his main mission right now is to get out of Hell. These lines speak of Satan and the end of his journey through Hell. It also hints towards the idea that the devil is not truly in charge of Hell and that Dane will be able to pass him. In a sense the idea that Hell is not the “end” for Dante both allows him to pass the Devil as well as allows him to begin to understand God's power.

Canto 32 Lines 70-75
These lines both allude to the “anamalistic” qualities of Hell. This is not the first time we were introduced to the “animals” of Hell. It may be an attempt to remind us that the creatures of Hell are now “sub-human” It also speaks of the eternal chill of Hell which I;m sure Dante felt throughout his journey. It brings back the idea that although Hell is controlled by God, it is still terrifying and horrible and reminds Dante that this is not where he wants to end up.

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